Our Programs //

FutureKind is our free, entry-level-to- intermediate AI for impact fellowship course, focussing specifically on food system transformation, and animal protection. Absolutely no coding experience is required, just a desire and curiosity to be mentored to learn about, direct and deploy AI safely and intentionally to make serious impact for all sentient beings.

Code for Compassion is our acclaimed series of in-person coding events at global tech hubs including the Bay Area, London, Berlin and more.

For Coders, UX designers and other Intermediate-to-Advanced-level folks interested in working in teams, as part of a broader community that's using AI positively and safely to push the boundaries of system change across species and ecosystems, animal welfare and planetary impact.

Electric Sheep Bootcamp - coming soon - intensive, venture and incubator acceleration for promising prototypes across our impact areas to take them to enterprise level applications. A bootcamp in the heart of Berlin and an epoch-defining impact experience like no other.

Open Opportunities //

The FutureKind AI Fellowship is open for applications! This is our free, entry-level-to- intermediate, expert- mentored fellowship-style course, focussing specifically on the intersection of AI, food system transformation, and animal protection. It's twelve weeks of mentored learning about and learning to build AI that works for social good. Absolutely no coding experience is required, just a desire and curiosity to use AI intentionally and safely to make the biggest positive impact in our era.

You'll experience:

🎓 The Learning Block (weeks 1-6):

- Survey current & emerging AI applications with significant implications for animals, such as in optimising factory farming or decoding animal communication

- Gain access to powerful AI tools for animal advocacy

- Explore impactful career pathways at the AI/animals frontier

🏗️ The Project Block (weeks 7-12):

- Transition from learners to doers

- Prepare a final work drawing on what you have learned during the course: a concrete contribution to animal welfare & protection

- To support their research, collaboration, & project development, you will have access to ChatNGO, a powerful AI platform tailored for nonprofits, generously provided by Stray Dog Institute

- On top of this, you will also receive tailored mentorship from leading professionals across academia, industry, & other sectors who will guide your project development & career building

Futurekind is built on a successful pilot that took place in 2024. You can experience some of what the pilot programme comprised - and get a flavour for what's to come if you join the program - by enrolling below, You'll find free resources and session prompts from our taster course.

  Week One: Introduction to AI and Animal welfare (Pilot Session 1/2)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week Two: Diving deep into precision livestock farming (Pilot Session 2/2)
Available in days
days after you enroll

🔔 Apply by April 1, 2025

Get a taste of your learning journey as part of the Futurekind AI Fellowship by trying the taster sessions below

Code for Compassion Hackathons in London and Helsinki announced

Coders! Hackers! Designers! Interested in coding solutions to real-world animal protection and planetary impact challenges?

Fancy being supported on a sprint with high quality technical mentorship to find creative solutions in real time?

Electric Sheep held its first in-person Silicon Valley coding event on February 26th 2025 at Mox,1680 Mission San Francisco. You can read all about it here.

We are now bringing Code for Compassion to Europe, starting in London in June and then Helsinki in October! Check back - applications will officially open for Coders, UX designers and other Intermediate-to-Advanced-level tech skillsets in the next few weeks. Meanwhile, drop your email to be kept in the loop. Hackathons are planned in April for C4C London and July for C4C Helsinki.

Inspiring Compassionate AI //

“I'm very impressed by Electric Sheep. The work of your coders will only grow - and show how we can take into account the largest number of sentient beings, and benefit them.”

Peter Singer, world-leading philosopher and author, 'The Life You Can Save.'

"Code for Compassion was really incredible. I live in the Bay but haven’t been able to find this specific group of people myself, so it was amazing how Code for Compassion brought them all together. Amazing people, I hope more happen soon!"

Itsi Weinstock, Bay Area-based coder, Code for Compassion participant (speaking on behalf of Animal Advocacy Bot building team), and founder of CoucherCom

"AI is ready for a welfare-focussed online learning intervention. There’s so much excitement and nowhere for it to go. It feels like the AI governance field just before we set up BlueDot. This is the time for Electric Sheep."

Jamie Bernardi, Co-Founder, BlueDot Impact AI governance online learning community

Help Shape Our Work

We're building Electric Sheep around your needs - tell us what they are! Please fill out this short survey on your skills and goals to have your say and stay in the loop.